Sunday, 25 September 2011

San Francisco

What a shock being in civilisation again is!  There are traffic lights and cars everywhere, one way systems, emergency vehicles, and tricky map reading to be done, as well as countless people, noise and lights demanding attention from every side.  After what seems to be weeks of beautiful cycling down fairly quiet roads, seeing almost no one, and no junctions, shops or buildings it seems such a contrast.  Wearing manky trousers covered in chain oil somehow seems unacceptable, and having to dodge pedestrians on the side walk is simply bizarre.  The hostel is pleasant but the noise of the traffic unpleasant after nights under canvas listening to the dull roar of the ocean.
I have cycled over 800 miles, but it doesn't really feel like it, and the last week or so has been simply super.  The views stunning, the route amazing and every minute a delight.  I know I must be fitter but the hills still feel as hard as they did!  Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge by bike was rather unpleasantly brilliant, there was almost no view because of the cloud, and the wind was exhilarating, we stopped half way and I relished in listening to the fog horn; it was exciting crossing such an icon at the end of the ride.
I must plan the next part of the trip, so will leave off for now, but wanted to let you all know I had reached San Francisco!

Monday, 19 September 2011

Fort Bragg

I am in Fort Bragg, and about a week of easy cycling from San Francisco...

The last few days of cycling have been simply AWESOME to coin a very American phrase!  I have joined forces with some other cyclists, and we have been having a whale of a time.  California has been sunny, and the scenery beautiful, more Redwoods, forest and then beautiful beaches, and rivers to swim in when it gets too hot; what more could one want?

 From left: Dillon, Christof, Me, Cecilia, Eric, & Steve

Check out Steve's blog, which is more up to date than mine (He likes technology and has a computer.)

Monday, 12 September 2011


I have had several compliments on my jacket, I'll have you know!
This morning I cycled 30 very flat miles through northern California to Crescent City (I was very glad that they were flat, yesterday was beautiful, but hard!).  So far California has been as foggy and gloomy as Oregon, but I have been through many fields of lillies, and when I joined the coast again it was to a cacophony of sea lions!
The coast remains picturesque, but tomorrow I hope to see some Redwoods....

Friday, 9 September 2011

Nearly Half Way

I am in Bandon, which is a rather pleasant small coastal town in Oregon, and I have cycled approximately 400 miles!  If I make it all the way to San Francisco it will be a total of about 950 miles.  I am very excited to be about half way, although the cycling is taking longer than I hoped and I still seem to be crawling down the coast.  Oregon seems to be much hillier than Washington, and when I find a flattish bit it is so rare I rejoice!  Coming down the hills I seem to be hanging on my brakes as with all of my gear I can pick up a lot of speed, and going up the hills, well that's another story - but I thought I was supposed to get fitter with all this exercise?!

The mornings are misty and when on a tranquil stretch of road it is so peaceful, and the afternoons are nice and sunny, the beaches are dramatic, with cliffs, stacks and lots of rocks, making them treacherous for boats, Oregon has a fine collection of light houses all the way up and down the coast and yesterdays campsite was within earshot of its loud and mournful fog horn - it was delicious, sent shivers up my spine!

Drat, library computers, and time limits, I have 12 left and still need to find a campsite for the day after tomorrow.

I will try to update again soon!