Tuesday, 11 October 2011

To you

I hope you are all enjoying reading this, but if you want more or less of something do let me know, and I will try to oblige.
I have had the odd email from people saying that they can't post messages, I have tried to set all the settings to allow messages but I am technologically not the best, so if any one has any ideas please let me know how I could change this!
I have also had a few people saying that they are struggling to send me emails, and I also realise I haven't received any from some friends for a while - this may just be because you have better things to do than email me, but if you have emailed and think I ought to have replied but haven't please try to let me know - it may be that I haven't got the email!
I also have some friends who I would like to email but haven't got their email addresses, so if you are reading this perhaps you could contact me?  (Helen C primarily! but also Nicky P, it would be nice to hear from you and I only have your NT address.)
Also, I love getting news from home so feel free to get in touch!

I would also like to thank you all for reading this, as it is so nice for me to try to share with you what is happening in my life and you all I think know how I feel about Facebook, so thank you for bothering to read the waffle I write here, it's much appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. After having a play, we think that the problem posting comments is to do with internet explorer not liking the blog; Blogspot know about this and hopefully it will be fixed. We have managed to post comments using firefox, so I hope that helps some of you!
