Monday, 20 February 2012


I am now in Wellington trying to plan the rest of my trip which is taking shape nicely - I am so excited; but you will have to wait and find out what happens next!  I can't believe what I am hoping to do, I look at the plans and think, really? WOW!
I am also trying to postpone the more cycling part - I feel like maybe I have had enough for a while.  I also am finding it difficult in that I have been away for what seems like ages, and I am feeling like maybe I ought to be returning to the real world.  I also tend to like having a project on the go, or working towards something or making or creating something - and travelling means that I can't do that, so I find this difficult.  Cycling gives me a real sense of purpose which helps to balance that, but at the moment I am a bit lacking in purpose and motivation.  I saw a girl in a campsite toilet wearing flannelet pyjamas - goodness, how I miss pyjamas!

Wellington is very nice, the museums are interesting, and the architecture is nice.  It really shows the British influences from the late Victorian era and early 20th century though. There is even a nice statue of Victoria which could be almost anywhere in Britain.  I do love these repeated icons around the world.  I like familiar references hidden in the most unlikely places - a Palladian design, or a statue, or art - I even found the familiar and friendly Durer in the museum here.  Why does every clock in the world sound like Big Ben - or is it that Big Ben sounds like every clock in the world? (Alaska, India and New Zealand all have clocks that play Big Ben chimes).

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